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🦄 uniswap-universal-router-decoder ✨ v0.7.0 ✨ has just been released !! Feedback appreciated :)

🦄 uniswap-universal-router-decoder ✨ v0.7.0 ✨ has just been released !! Feedback appreciated :)

Hello! 🙂

This new version of the open source 🐍 Python 🐍 coder and encoder for the Uniswap 🦄 universal router (0xEf1c6E67703c7BD7107eed8303Fbe6EC2554BF6B on Mainnet) contains some nice goodies:

Add support for encoding V2_SWAP_EXACT_OUT Add support for encoding V3_SWAP_EXACT_OUT Some minor improvements

Source on GitHub

Packaged on PyPI

For those who don't already know this library, it aims to provide an easy way to encode and decode transaction data sent to the universal router's functions. It is in an early development stage, so not all of them have been implemented yet, but already a few interesting ones like V2_SWAP_EXACT_IN, V3_SWAP_EXACT_IN, PERMIT2_PERMIT, …

More functions and chaining will be supported soon!

Any (constructive) feedback would be greatly appreciated! 🙂

Thank you!

Uniswap Universal Router Encoder and Decoder

submitted by /u/E_l_n_a_r_i_l [comments]

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