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12 Tips for Success in 2023

In today’s increasingly competitive digital landscape, small businesses need to leverage every available tool and tactic to stand out and succeed. One crucial marketing technique that can make a significant difference is search engine optimization (SEO). 

Truly, it can be hard to know where to begin, given that SEO encompasses numerous different practices. You can easily experience failure if you make the wrong call. However, with the right small business SEO strategies, it’s possible to improve your online visibility, attract targeted organic traffic, and bring in the growth and success you desire.

In this post, we’ll explore 12 practical SEO tips specifically tailored for small businesses in 2023. Whether you’re a local business targeting specific geographical areas or an e-commerce venture seeking to boost online sales, this post will provide you with actionable insights and strategies to elevate your SEO efforts.

What Is Small Business SEO?

Small business SEO refers to a set of practices for optimizing a small business’s website and online presence to improve its appearance on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it involves various strategies and techniques aimed at increasing organic (non-paid) traffic to a website.

Small business SEO focuses on tailoring these strategies specifically for smaller-scale enterprises, which often have limited resources and budgets compared to larger corporations. It aims to help small businesses compete with larger competitors and be able to reach and attract their target audience.

Further Reading: What is Organic SEO and 12 Strategies to Use It Wisely

12 Most Effective Small Business SEO Tips

Below are the top trends, techniques, and best practices that will help you navigate the evolving SEO landscape and arrive at remarkable results with your small business.

1. Do Proper Keyword Research

Keywords play a critical role in determining how search engines understand and rank your website content. That’s why you need to conduct thorough keyword research conducting to identify the most relevant and high-impact keywords for your small business. This is how you’ll know the keywords to target and write about to reach your desired audience.

It would help to consider the search volume, competition, and relevance of keywords to your products or services. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer to uncover valuable keyword opportunities.

Given that you’re a small business, you need to focus more on long-tail keywords. These are longer and more specific keyword phrases (usually three to five words), that target niche topics. While short-tail keywords are dominated by industry giants due to their popularity, these longer keywords usually have lesser competition and more conversions.

Here’s a graphical representation showing how the keyword length affects conversion rates:

what are long tail keywords by semrush

2. Write Quality Content About Topics in Your Niche

Writing quality content is a crucial tip for small business SEO. In fact, data from Hubspot showed that business blogging results in 55% more web visitors. High-quality content, besides attracting and engaging your target audience, also signals to search engines that your website is authoritative and valuable.

Before beginning to create blog content, you need a deep understanding of your target audience. Identify their needs, preferences, and pain points. This knowledge will help you tailor your content to address their specific interests and provide valuable information.

What’s more, it’s wise to consider the intent behind users’ search queries and aim to fulfill their needs with your content. Whether it’s providing informational, transactional, or navigational content, align your writing with user intent to deliver something relevant.

You should also publish content that’s unique, original, and stands out from your competitors. Avoid duplicating content from other sources, as it can harm your website’s SEO. Instead, offer fresh perspectives, insights, and solutions that demonstrate your experience and expertise.

In case you ever feel stuck, numerous AI writing tools can help you generate text for your content. These tools can provide blog post ideas and write outlines plus paragraphs that incorporate your targeted keywords. If you choose to use them, don’t forget to edit and add the human perspective to your content.

Further Reading: What is SEO Content? 8 Tips for Creating Content That Ranks for 2023

3. Optimize On-Page Elements

You need to fine-tune various elements of your web pages so that your small business SEO efforts work. The best way to do so is to add your target keywords to specific sections of your site. Here are the best places to include keywords:

Page titles: Include relevant keywords in your page titles (also known as title tags or meta titles). Keep the titles concise, compelling, and accurately descriptive of the page content.
Meta descriptions: Summarize the page’s content into a captivating meta description and add relevant keywords to it. Meta descriptions don’t directly affect rankings but can impact click-through rates from search engine results pages.
Heading tags: Heading tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.) are what you use to structure your content. This way,  search engines understand the hierarchy of sections on your webpage and the relevance of the content within. It helps if you also include your main keywords in the headings.
URL structure: Incorporate keywords in your URLs whenever possible. Use descriptive and keyword-rich URLs that provide a clear indication of the page’s content.
Website content: Integrate keywords naturally throughout your website’s content, including in paragraphs, bullet points, and lists.
Image alt text: Optimize the alt text of images on your website by including relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the content of the images, improving accessibility and potential visibility in image search results.
Internal link anchor text: When linking to other pages within your website, use descriptive anchor text that includes relevant keywords. This helps search engines understand the context of the linked pages.

4. Incorporate Visual SEO Strategies

Visuals play a great role in small business SEO. They include images and videos. Image SEO is all about optimizing your images for search engines to improve your overall SEO strategy. While search engines primarily understand and index text-based content, optimizing your images can help enhance your website’s visibility, user experience, and organic traffic.

We’re going to explore the most essential component of image SEO, which are image compression and file naming plus description.

Start by optimizing your images for faster loading times and better user experience. Compress your images to reduce file size without compromising quality. Use image formats that are suitable for the content, such as JPEG for photographs and PNG for graphics with transparency.

Additionally, be sure to use descriptive file names with your important keywords instead of generic names like “image123.jpg.” As for your alternative (alt) texts, provide brief text that correctly describes the image content and incorporate any keywords that apply. If you do so, you enhance image accessibility and search engines will be able to get the context of the image.

Adding video to your blog content also helps in rankings. Even if you don’t create videos yourself, you’re free to embed relevant YouTube videos in your posts and pages.

As people watch the videos, they spend more time on your site. This, in the eyes of Google and other search engines, means that users are finding your content useful. And so, it will show up higher in searches.

5. Boost Your Site’s Loading Speed

PageSpeed Insights example for

A slow-loading website can negatively impact user experience, increase bounce rates, and lower search engine rankings. For such reasons, you need to ensure that your website loads as fast as possible. You can check your site’s loading time using a variety of free tools online such as PageSpeed Insights.

You can do the following to improve your site speed:

Reduce the size of images manually or using a image compressing plugin
Minify or get rid of unnecessary elements in your website’s code
Use a content delivery network ( CDN) that deliver your content using the nearest servers to a user
Remove unnecessary redirects
Enable a caching plugin, which stores data so that returning visitors can readily access your site

You may also need to change your web hosting service, depending on which one you use. You can either upgrade your subscription to a better option or choose different provider based on their popularity and online reviews.

6. Improve Your Website Structure

Search engines analyze your site structure to determine the hierarchy and relationship between different web pages. A well-structured site makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index your pages, improving their visibility in search results. Moreover, a clear site structure helps visitors find the information they need quickly, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement.

So, take a look at your site architecture and consider whether you can easily locate whatever you need. If there’s something confusing, appearing misplaced, or not readily visible, you need to make changes.

It would help if your site’s most important pages appear in the header menu. These pages include:

Blog page (where your posts appear)
Product/service pages
About page
Contact page

You can include other items in a footer menu, like the privacy policy and terms and conditions pages. Take this website as an example: bottom footer area

As you can see, all the important links, resources, and pages are either  in the header or footer section. If people as well as search engine bots can easily find what they need on your site, you’ll get better rankings.

7. Build Links to Your Website

High-quality and relevant backlinks from other websites to yours signal to search engines that your website is trustworthy and authoritative. That’s why link building has to be part of your small business SEO strategy.

You have to keep in mind that there are black hat link-building practices that previously worked but which search engines now know about. These include getting links for spammy sites, link-mill sites, irrelevant sites, and discussion forums.

To get the best result, focus on proper link building, which includes:

Guest posting: This is the act of writing posts for high authority sites and linking back to your content where applicable.
Outreach: This is where you contact relevant sites and inquire about them linking to you.
Broken link building: It involves reaching out to sites with broken links and offering your own related content to be linked to.
Creating infographics: If done well, these visual representations of data and concepts can attract lots of good links.
Quotes: Through platforms like HARO, you can submit your quotes on specific topics and get credit through a link o your site.

It would be best if you focus on creating high-quality and linkable content first. More people will be inclined to link to your in-depth and well-researched posts, sometimes even without you asking for it!

Further Reading: 7 Best Link Building Practices in 2023

8. Spy on Your Competitors

Analyzing your competitors is a valuable SEO tip for small businesses as it allows you to gain insights into their strategies, identify opportunities, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape. But how can you spy on them?

The first thing is to identify your direct and indirect competitors. Direct competitors offer similar products or services, while indirect competitors may target a different market segment but still compete for the same customer’s attention and budget.

Examine your competitors’ websites to understand their structure, content, and user experience. Pay attention to their site navigation, the layout of product or service pages, and the overall design.

Look for the keywords they rank for in search engine results and identify any gaps or opportunities for your own SEO efforts. Also, you can check out where they’ve gotten backlinks from and try to obtain some for your site too.

Competitor analysis tools can simplify this process for you.  Some of the most popular software suites for automating tasks (like Semrush, Moz, and Ahrefs), have these tools in their packages. All you do is enter the website URLs of your competitors and find all the information you need, including keywords, rankings, and backlinks.

9. Track Website Analytics

To be able to do this, you need to have Google Analytics and Search Console set up. Google Analytics is a web analytic service that provides you with data about your website in relation to Google searches. This useful tool for web publishers shows you metrics such as page views, session duration, bounce rate, and conversion rates.

You can even see how Internet users are finding your site, whether it’s through organic search, social media, referrals, or paid advertising. This is the information you’ll use to evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing channels. You’ll also know where to focus your efforts and how best to allocate your resources.

Google Search Console, on the other hand, focuses more on showing how you’re ranking for specific keywords. You’ll see things like the impressions, clicks, and positions of your pages. Monitoring these metrics over time is how you’ll spot particular trends and opportunities, and adjust accordingly for better SEO performance.

10. Fix Errors on Your Small Business Website

In case you need to improve your website’s performance, user experience, and search engine rankings, fixing any errors it has is the small business SEO tip to consider. If you address and resolve your site’s errors, search engines won’t have a hard time crawling and indexing it. Also, your site’s visitors will enjoy a seamless browsing experience.

These crucial SEO issues include the following:

Broken links: If you’ve ever clicked on links that lead you to non-existent or inaccessible web pages, you know how frustrating it can be. These broken links create a bad user experience and it affects SEO.
Duplicate content:  Any duplicate content on your site can easily confuse search engines and dilute its authority. It’s good to identify and resolve duplicate content issues by implementing canonical tags, redirecting duplicate URLs, or consolidating all similar content.
Metadata issues: Review your website’s metadata  (title tags and meta descriptions) to find missing or poorly optimized ones. Ensure that each page has unique, relevant, and keyword-rich metadata to boost search engine visibility and entice users to click on your listings.
404 Errors: 404 errors occur when a page is not found or has been removed from your website. You should monitor and fix 404 errors by redirecting users to relevant pages or creating custom error pages that guide users back to your site.
Indexing: Your site has to be indexed for search engines to show its rankings. If your site has indexing issues, you can find them on Google Search Console along with suggestions for fixing them.

The above list is by no means comprehensive. Here is what one study found vis a vis common technical SEO issues:

the most common seo issues infographic by serpstat

You’ll need to do a website audit to identify any issues that may exist. All you need is a proper all-in-one SEO tool. You’ll spot all problems and get recommendations for solving them.

Further Reading: How to Perform Your Own 9 Step SEO Audit

11. Get a Google Business Profile

Getting listed on Google My Business is a valuable local SEO tip for small businesses. It can enhance local search presence and increase the chances of appearing in Google’s local search results and maps.

Check these examples from a search, “photographers near Brooklyn.”

small businesses listed on google map search thanks to their google business profile

To get listed in the same way, you’ll first need to create a new business listing on Google or claim an existing one and verify being the owner. Next, add more details about your business, including the location, hours, and photos. Make sure you fill out all the details as required.

Once all is set up, you’ll be able to share updates and interact with customers. It becomes easy to track your Google business listing and know how the areas of improvement.

12. Encourage Customer Reviews

Customer reviews can establish your online reputation, build trust with other potential buyers, and boost your visibility in search engine results. The thing is, businesses with the most reviews and good ratings tend to show up first on Google business listing results. If you don’t have any reviews, fewer people will be willing to try your products or services.

So, how do you encourage customers to leave reviews? Unless you want them to write negative reviews about your business, it all starts with offering excellent customer service. Focus on delivering outstanding experiences to your customers at every touchpoint to foster favorable reviews from satisfied customers.

Also, you need to actively encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews about their experience with your business. Make it easy for them by providing clear instructions on where and how to leave a review. You can include links to review sites or create a dedicated page on your website that guides customers through the review process.

One of the most important parts of brand reputation management is regularly monitoring the reviews your business receives on different platforms (especially Google in this case). Respond promptly and professionally to both positive and negative reviews. Engaging with reviews shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to addressing any concerns.


To sum it up, implementing effective SEO strategies is crucial for the success of small businesses online. Following these tips mentioned above is how small business owners can get more targeted traffic and enjoy higher conversion rates.

From using proper keywords and creating quality content to optimizing on-page elements and tracking website analytics, each small business SEO tip plays a vital role in enhancing your overall performance. So, whatever small business you’re running, investing time and resources in SEO can yield significant benefits.

It’s worth noting that SEO is an ongoing process that requires consistent effort, monitoring, and adaptation. If you stay up-to-date with the latest small business SEO practices, you can effectively navigate the digital realm and attain sustainable growth.

Further Reading: The Insider’s Beginners Guide to SEO: 7 Expert Tips to Get Started the Right Way

Author Bio

Mike Stuzzi is an online entrepreneur who blogs at He publishes helpful guides on starting online businesses, the best business tools to use, and his personal experiences on the site.

Hero photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

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