
Anime Defenders Epic Tier List – All Epic Units Ranked! – Gamezebo

Our Anime Defenders Epic Tier List ranks all the epic units in Anime Defenders from best to worst, so you know who the strongest and the weakest are.

You can play Anime Defenders on the Roblox website. Enjoy tier lists? If so, why not check out our Anime Defenders Tier List?

Anime Defenders Epic Tier List

Epic units have a 15.25% chance of being obtained. To get your hands on an epic unit, go to the Summons area of the game and keep rerolling until you get an epic!


These units truly are epic!

Blood DemonDragon SlayerSoulforce ReaperThe Beast


If you can’t get your hands on S-Tier units, these are still great!

Spirit HybridAscended Qi MasterVengeful Shinobi


If you’re a beginner, these units will help you out. However, if you want to progress, make sure to get units in higher tiers as soon as you can.

Inferno commanderOcean GuardianFire Leg Master


Although they provide a few positives, C-Tier units won’t be much help overall.


Not epic… make sure to avoid these.

Luckily, no one is here yet! Hopefully it stays that way too.

How Do We Determine Our Rankings?

When we make a tier list, we take a variety of sources into consideration to make sure our list is as accurate as it can be! We use our own gameplay experiences, as well as community response to place the units in their ranks. If you disagree with us, that’s more than okay! Take everything we say with a pinch of salt.

Do Rankings Change?

If the game has had an update or more units get added, rankings may very well change! If new epic units get added, the position of a current unit may increase or decrease. Make sure to save this page and regularly check back so you’re up to date!


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Rachel is a fan of any indie RPG and Otome game. When she’s not writing, you can find her reading fantasy novels or binge watching Hunter X Hunter or Black Butler (specifically the episodes William T Spears is in… she hopes for the day he gets more screentime)

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