
‘Cleaning Redville’ Collects Trash on Gloomy, Quiet Streets

Cleaning Redville is about picking up trash before the sun comes up. With the world asleep around you, it’s eerily lonely, scary work on the quiet streets.

Late night drives when it’s just you, your head lights, and the road can be calming experiences. They can often be fairly terrifying, too, as you never know if something might dart out in front of you or you’ll run out of road without seeing it in time. And if you crash or get hurt, it’s not like anyone will be coming along to help you in the middle of the night. It’s bad enough to have to deal with every once in a while, but when it’s your nightly job, the stress is bound to get to you. And since you’re collecting trash before the birds are even awake, you’ll get to really simmer in this nervous fear.

Cleaning Redville - a letter taped to a signpost

You’re tasked with driving a garbage truck around and collecting the stray bags that are strewn around town. A few folks have put them in bins or organized them, but most of them feel like they’ve been flung everywhere. Grab them, toss them in the truck, compress them, and move on. It’s simple work, but it’ll take you a while to do it all over town in the dark. The silence, the repetitiveness of the task, and the dark roads start to play at your mind as you work, though. Those fears I mentioned above start to play with your imagination. Every little sound or change in the game feels like cause for alarm. The more you sink into the quiet tasks, the more any deviance from the silence hints at some monstrosity.

For a game largely about collecting garbage, Cleaning Redville weaves a terrifying atmosphere as your imagination runs wild in the dark, empty roads. It’s a special kind of fear reserved for late-night drives and jobs you work in the dark – a sense that you’re the only human in the world. And maybe something else is there with you.

Cleaning Redville - a garbage truck sits on a gloomy street

Cleaning Redville is available now (for whatever you wish to pay) on

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