
[DEV] : Idle Beast Hunter : My first game project 1.5 months later !

[DEV] : Idle Beast Hunter : My first game project 1.5 months later !

Hi everyone !

I posted about my game many times before the release showcasing my progress, and also one time after release on 4th April, and I just wanted to share what the game has become since :D !

The game got alooooot of QoL updates & bugFixes, new backgrounds, new contents, new enemies, new skins, new sidekicks, and this week the game will get the biggest update since release, a sidekick Gacha (0 related IAP, the games is and stays 100% free, no IAP that boost your progress) that will bring new buffs and ways to upgrade your stats !

A few screenshots as reminder what the game looks like : Kill enemies to obtain blood, harvest to reset to stage 1 and obtain souls, beat dungeons to obtain gear, reroll substats with currency obtained by selling gears, level up gear by killing enemies, and keep going ! As you progress you will unlock other contents (sidekicks – promotion battles – free skin for main character)

The base fight scene

Promotion content (manual gameplay, only to be played once to unlock runes)

Gear content

The rune content, adapt rune to compensate weekly debuffs !

20×20,25×25 or 30×30 cave (same for all players, resets every week, cooperate on discord to find all relics !)

A built in stat calculator to compare different gear / rune presets based on current debuff levels !

We got a small nice community and Shuraken, a discord member got a discord running to help everyone report their discoveries and help each other complete the cave !

Cave discovery report on our Discord

Thank you so much if you read the post until here :D Hope you like the project ! I think there is enough gameplay to keep idle/incremental lovers hooked for a few weeks if you like the style, some have been playing for more than a month, which I never expected ! This project really beat all my hopes ! I will keep adding a few more contents before moving to another project soon (And will keep coming back for this one for small updates and stick around on the discord !).

PS : My games will always have 100% free to play competitive content no single dollar needed to compete, This game has max 4 optional ads a day, a cheap no ad pack, and a few skins ! I will stick to similar monetisation in my future projects, and always make sure everyone can compete for the top :)

Have a good weekend everyone :D !

And the link of course !

And huge thanks to the small community that has gathered around the game, it wouldn't have become what it is without you all <3 !


submitted by /u/Own_Lifeguard_4397 [comments]

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