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Do You Check Your Smartphone as Soon as You Wake Up? [Poll]

When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you look at? For many people, it’s the almighty smartphone. However, some people may have a morning routine that involves getting to one or multiple tasks before checking their smartphone. Which group do you fall into?

Your Smartphone Is Your Alarm Clock

Smartphones are capable of so much, including acting as your alarm clock. Gone are the days of a digital alarm clock blaring on your bedside table in the morning.


Now, many people use their phone’s native alarm clock or an alarm clock app to force them out of bed. You can stick with the familiar beeping alarm ringtone, or experiment with waking up to the sound of birds or your favorite song.

If you use your smartphone as an alarm clock, it needs to be fairly close by in order for you to hear it. While you shouldn’t sleep right next to your phone, a lot of people (read: heavy sleepers) need the phone to sit on their nightstand in order to hear the alarm.

Woman in bed reaching to turn off smartphone alarm

When you roll over to turn your alarm off and start the day, it’s so easy to have a “quick” look at your notifications that ends up lasting 30 minutes. All of a sudden, you’re scrolling through Instagram and have no idea how you got there.

Can stashing your smartphone across the room prevent you from checking your smartphone first thing in the morning?

Your Smartphone Stays Across the Room While You Sleep

There are many tips for improving sleep hygiene by reducing smartphone use before bed, but what about when you wake up? Sleeping with your phone across the room can have a few different benefits, including keeping your smartphone out of your wake-up routine.

If you love to hit the snooze button in the morning—or possibly even do it without realizing—sleeping with your phone across the room can help you get up in the morning. There’s still a temptation to mindlessly scroll if you physically turn your alarm off, but it’s lessened by the fact that you’re out of your comfy bed.

Alternatively, you can use your preferred virtual assistant to turn your alarm off for you, so you don’t even touch your phone. Then, your phone is across the room and you don’t need to touch it until you’ve completed your (hopefully) productive morning routine.

What’s the First Thing You Do When You Wake Up?

Whether you sleep with your smartphone on your nightstand or you keep it in a different room, there’s still a chance that you could immediately check your phone when you wake up. It’s easy to get lost in social media or mobile games, especially when you wake up and don’t have anywhere you need to go.

Right now, I sleep with my phone on my nightstand, and I’m definitely guilty of checking my phone as soon as I wake up—and then spending far too much time on it before getting out of bed. Though, I’d be interested in seeing what it’s like to not check it immediately!

What about you? Do you check your phone first thing when you wake up in the morning? Or are you able to practice restraint, and only check your phone once you’ve completed everything on your morning routine?

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