
Huescapes open beta – puzzle platformer

Huescapes open beta - puzzle platformer

Hi all, very excited to kickoff an open beta for my new game. This will be a premium game with no ads or IAPs.

Huescapes is a simple platformer with a twist. You can’t see the platforms until you go near them, revealing them with paint. In this beta there are 3 stages with 20 levels each, and each stage introduces new mechanics. I’m currently planning on 150 levels total for the initial release of the game, but there may be more.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback you have, especially any suggestions or changes to improve the experience. The game is missing some sounds, such as button and door actions, but most of the other assets are close to final unless feedback suggests otherwise. If you have any input on the pricing of the game I’d appreciate that as well. I’m currently thinking of launching at $0.99 to make the game available to as many players as possible, while still getting something back for the time I’ve put into the project.

Thank you for your time, and I hope you have fun playing the beta!

submitted by /u/MuchPotential [comments]

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