
I just released the first ever (I think??.) mobile kickball game called Pocket Kickball!

I just released the first ever (I think??.) mobile kickball game called Pocket Kickball!

Hey, I just released my new game called Pocket Kickball on iOS!

I previously made a kickball game called Indoor Kickball that I released on PC, Xbox, PS5 and Switch. Throughout development of that game, I always thought kickball would make a great mobile game as well. I would get the same comments on my social media asking for the game to go to mobile so after I launched that game, I slowly started thinking about and designing Pocket Kickball. They are both similar games but Pocket Kickball was written and designed from scratch to better suit touch screen controls and mobile gaming.

So if you like sports games, please check out my game and let me know what you think! Also feel free to ask any questions related to the game or anything related to game development on mobile, PC, or consoles!


submitted by /u/snowdaysoftware [comments]

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