
Just Beat AC Mirage, please don’t play this version

Just Beat AC Mirage, please don’t play this version

As someone who’s a fan of Assassin’s Creed but has not played since AC 3 this was a really fun game overall but man is this version too buggy to even recommend at a discount.

On an iPhone 15 Pro game crashed around 30+ times in my playthrough usually between 20 to 40 mins of play time but some times it would crash at just like 5 or 7 mins of play consecutively. Each reboot would take a ~1 min. 10 sec. plus whatever time it would take me to make up whatever progress I lost. The anxiety of losing progress whenever I was in a zone where I could not save was too much some times. I think only once I was able to get a full hour of game without it crashing. Although load screens were short load times mid game (where the game freezes but you still have camera control) could vary from a few seconds to a full minute. Cutscenes and dialogue would often freeze or desync and the game would refuse to continue for around 10 seconds of idle silence. I got used to these things happening but the crashes and progress lost is really the deal breaker.

If you do decide to play this: Med graphics is the way to go. At high the framerate is barely at a consistent 20 and in low the textures are too low and make the game look awful without any real fps gain. At med graphics the game barely can hit 30 and is mostly struggling around the mid 20s but it’s at least playable. These numbers are just from feel but on PC I always have the fps counter so I’m usually conscious of how FPS feel but still take my info with a grain of salt.

They really should’ve waited until the next phone, limited the release for only iPads and MacOS or just release an older AC game. When I beat Resident Evil Village it felt like the future of ios gaming was here and I’m glad I played that first because this game is an honestly pretty bad showcase of triple AAA on the go merely due to performance. The game is paced well, easy to pick up and play for short bursts and the touch controls aren’t half bad (used a backbone controller for my playthrough but the touch controls are actually serviceable instead of outright impossible to use like RE Village).

Wait for a patch, a discount or preferably both to be safe unless you’re a mobile gaming enthusiast like myself. The stress of crashes, audio desyncs and long load times is not worthwhile and it soured an overall solid AC game (in my opinion).

If anybody else has played it would love to know your experience with it. If I had to give this game a rating a good 7.5/10 but this port is a 3/10.

submitted by /u/mascaz09 [comments]

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