
Made an AI Chatbot iOS game!

Made an AI Chatbot iOS game!

In each level, the user is presented with a task related to Codey, a "teenager" whose personality is designed to contradict the task at hand.

For instance, one level's objective is to convince Codey to doubt themselves, despite their arrogant personality.

The end of the conversation is signaled when Codey says "bye" (which occurs either if the user prompts or if the Al feels appropriate), upon which GPT evaluates the conversation and determines whether or not the task has been successfully completed. This has been working surprisingly well, though is occasionally inaccurate.

The current user interface is bland, but I plan on improving it in the future. If you have the time, please try it out and let me know what you think! 🙂

submitted by /u/Conscious_Try1284 [comments]

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