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New node up and running!

New node up and running!

Not long ago I posted on here that I finally run my own node on Windows 10. There was a lot of comments suggesting Linux and umbrel.

After a few hours of research, here's what I did in case somebody wants to do the same.

Got a used mini PC from eBay for £70

Flashed ubuntu server 22.04.2 LTD onto us stick with Belena Etcher

Installed ubuntu os on my new used mini pc (couldn't be simpler and I never touched Linux before)

Downloaded and installed umbrel from terminal (command to this on umbrel's website)

Synchronised blockchain within 24 hours (it was much quicker than synching on windows)

Opened 8333 port on my router to accept incoming connections to my node

Edited bitcoin config file to accept max 30 connections at a time and upload 5gb a day

Restarted the node and it's now been up for 2 hours!

The total time spent on making this happen is roughly 3 hours with no prior Linux knowledge (minus the chain download).

I'm loving the fact I can troubleshoot my bone server through ssh from the laptop and see what's up with the node either from there or umbrel.local even on my phone.

Next project: just bought Antminer S9 from eBay. So happy! :).

submitted by /u/headshot6 [comments]

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