
U-blox offers Bluetooth AoA in Omlox real-time location system

u-blox u-locate real-time locaton system diag

Branded ‘u-locate’, “it offers every necessary hardware, software and middleware component for indoor positioning, including support for interoperability with the omlox standard”, according to u-blox. “Based on Bluetooth LE AoA, u-locate delivers positioning accuracy down to 10cm while ensuring extended tag battery life.”

u-blox u-locate-asset-tracking diag

Omlox, owned by Profibus and Profinet International, is an industry standard for gathering location data by various means and sharing that data for asset tracking. For location measurement, it favours the use of UWB (ultra-wide-band), particularly that specified in IEEE 802.15.4z, but allows for other radio systems including Bluetooth AoA, or GNSS for outdoor tracking.

Bluetooth AoA has a single transmitter or transceiver located on the traced asset, and two or more static boxes in known locations (‘anchors’ in u-blox-speak, ‘satellites’ for omlox). With Bluetooth AoA, each of the anchors has multiple receive antennas, and time-of-reception differences are used to calculate angle-of-arrival.

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