
Where to find all the Wonder Tokens in the Shining Falls Search Party level in Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Between some of its action stages, Super Mario Bros. Wonder spends time exploring other activities, including Search Party scavenger hunts. Here is our guide telling you where to find all the Wonder Tokens in the Shining Falls Search Party challenge in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder – where to find all the Wonder Tokens in the Shining Falls Search Party level

The various worlds contain Search Party events, where the goal is to gather five Wonder Tokens. In Shining Falls, that stage is titled ‘An Empty Park?‘ It takes place within a rather confined vertical space. You need to find all the Wonder Tokens while ascending a series of waterfalls in Shining Falls.

Related: Where to find all the Wonder Tokens in Puzzling Park in Super Mario Bros. Wonder

Smb Wonder Search Party Empty Park Token 1
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Token #1

When you first reach the area to the right of the stage’s entrance lobby, start jumping near ground level. You’ll reveal some invisible blocks. One of them sprouts a Wonder Flower, which produces a Wonder Token. You can reveal some more invisible blocks and easily reach the token.

Token #2

When you grab the first token, jump straight up to produce another block. A flower sprouts and sends a Wonder Token to the left, where you can easily grab it.

Smb Wonder Search Party Empty Park Token 3
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Token #3

After collecting the second token, jump straight up again. There are two blocks hidden here. The left block produces a Wonder Flower. Its essence flies to the right and creates a platform that rises and falls, like an elevator. Ride that platform. As it reaches the peak of its ascent, jump to reveal a new block. The new Wonder Flower that appears produces a block. Jump above it to reveal another invisible block. It generates some cloud platforms, with a waterfall above them. Jump up to the platforms and check in the water to collect the Wonder Token.

Token #4

Swim to the top of the waterfall where you grabbed the third token. Jump to reveal an invisible block. The flower that sprouts produces a Wonder Token to the right. You can keep jumping to make more invisible blocks appear, producing a higher waterfall to the right that allows you to collect the token.

Smb Wonder Search Party Empty Park Token 5
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Token #5

Within the waterfall where you claimed the fourth token, there is also an invisible block. Hit it to produce a Wonder Flower. Its petal flies to the upper left, producing a new ledge and a roaming waterfall. As the waterfall veers near the left side of the screen, ascend it to find and hit an invisible block that produces the final token. Grab that Wonder Token at the top of the waterfall.

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