14 Wild Loot Drops Fans Have Found

Lilith is bathed in an orange glow.

Image: Blizzard / Kotaku

With so many skill trees and loot combinations, Diablo IV has no shortage of ways to eviscerate your foes and make them fear your mathematical superiority. Players are still finding all sorts of incredible Unique-rarity items, and certain of these weapons and armors are proving to be exceptionally worth hunting down.

Read More: The Best Classes For Diablo IV Beginners, Whether You Want A Challenge Or Cakewalk

I’ve coordinated with our resident Diablo IV experts to take stock of what’s been discovered thus far. Here, you’ll find a collection of both class-agnostic and class-specific items with which to enhance your build. We’ll also let you know where you’re likely to find these weapons and armors. Of course, given the nature of the game, most are random drops across different tiers.

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