
App Finder: Advanced search engine for Android apps and games, showing scalable screenshots in the result list

App Finder: Advanced search engine for Android apps and games, showing scalable screenshots in the result list

By making Android games discoverable in a completely new way, it will promote high-quality games, at no cost for the developers, and for the benefit of players.

2,300,000+ apps are indexed, including 316,000+ games, with data for all 200+ countries / regions.

Features include:

Advanced keyword search Usual search operators like quotes, OR, and minus Special operators, e.g. + to require words to occur in title or summary The search terms are highlighted in the results Superior to the Play Store search for finding apps and games with specific features 10+ filters and 6 sort options Filter for apps without ads, for free / paid apps, for apps with / without in-app purchases Category filter with multi-select User rating filter (0.1 star steps) for country-specific or world-average rating Filters for number of ratings and downloads Filters for update date and release date Filters for price range and in-app price range for local prices Filter for the minimally required Android version Age rating filter for local ratings Sort by relevance, user rating, number of ratings up / down, and release date up / down 10+ essential data about every app directly in the result list Average user rating with two decimals, country-specific or world-average or both Number of ratings and downloads with two significant digits Unique visual representation of the rating distribution Update date and release date With or without ads Local price and price range of in-app purchases Age rating from the local rating authority Short description Result list can be customized Scalable screenshots in the result list The feature graphics are displayed along with the screenshots Flexible user interface Adapts to screen-size and -orientation, optimized for tablets also Many options, 1-, 2-, or 3-pane layout Easy to use, with integrated documentation

To demonstrate the possibilities of App Finder, I have made a comprehensive comparative review of advanced calculator apps, similar comprehensive reviews will be possible for games of certain kinds.

App Finder is available as an app itself on Google Play, a web interface is coming soon.

All essential functionality is free without ads forever.

Some advanced features require a Plus license at a fair price.

submitted by /u/jake-nr [comments]

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