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Google Cloud Boosts Web3 Presence With Polygon Partnership

Google is one of the most popular names in the Web 2. Almost every individual using a computer or a mobile phone must have an idea of the functionalities of Google. The Google-Polygon partnership to boost web3 is a promising example of how the world’s leading tech companies can enter web3. 

Polygon is one of the latest blockchain networks that aims to resolve scalability and speed problems with blockchain. Google has also launched a Google for Startups Cloud Program to support emerging startups in the web3 space for faster and more secure expansion of the projects. In addition, the Celo Foundation has also announced its plans to work with Google Cloud to offer cloud computing services for developers and web3 founders working on Celo. 

Google has also pointed out that the Google Cloud-Polygon Partnership would help Polygon blockchain develop a zero-knowledge innovation strategy. The new innovation strategy by Google can help make transactions on Polygon cheaper and faster. Let us look at how the partnership between Google and Polygon could encourage web3 innovation. 

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Highlights of the Announcement 

The announcement of the collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon gained headlines at the Consensus 2023 conference in Austin, Texas. The partnership between Polygon Labs and Google to boost web3 primarily focuses on helping developers build, deploy, and expand new web3 solutions and dApps. According to the new partnership, Google Cloud would introduce the Blockchain Node Engine to the Polygon ecosystem, including PoS chain, zkEVM, and Supernets. 

The new move can help developers focus on creating web3 solutions while maintaining complete control over the deployment location. According to the president of Polygon Blockchain, the partnership between Google Cloud and Polygon can increase transaction throughput. As a result, Google Cloud can serve viable improvements in use cases of Polygon for DeFi, gaming, and supply chain management. 

The Blockchain Node Engine serves as Google’s fully managed node hosting service. It would be a major highlight of the partnership between Google Cloud and Polygon Blockchain. The Blockchain Node Engine can help developers easily deploy and manage blockchain nodes across Google Cloud. 

Reports with exciting titles such as “Google Cloud partners Polygon to accelerate web3” would reflect on how the developers can use the node hosting service and Polygon protocols. As a result, developers could have a simpler experience in deploying and managing Polygon nodes.

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How Will the Google-Polygon Partnership Boost Web3?

The ambition of Google to enter the world of web3 is commendable. However, the prospects of Google Cloud boosting web3 innovation seems out of place for various reasons. First of all, it is important to wonder whether Google Cloud can work in accordance with the principles of blockchain technology. Interestingly, you can find viable solutions with an outline of value advantages with Google Cloud. 

The power of Google Cloud can help Polygon blockchain achieve faster scalability. Subsequently, the Polygon blockchain can ensure faster transactions while keeping the fees to a minimum. Most important of all, the partnership between Google Cloud and Polygon can encourage easier access to funding opportunities for emerging startups in web3. At the same time, the collaboration can guarantee a favorable environment for deploying on Polygon Supernets or Polygon Proof of Stake networks. 

Apart from the news of the Google-Polygon partnership to boost web3 innovation, Google Cloud also looks forward to collaboration with Solana blockchain. The integration of the Solana ecosystem in the Blockchain Node Engine can help Google Cloud extend its involvement in the web3 domain. 

Google Cloud has also introduced a new initiative, the “Google for Startups Cloud Program,” to support web3 creators. The program can offer almost $200,000 over the course of two years in the form of Google Cloud credits alongside technical support for web3 projects. It can help web3 startups secure funding from pre-seed to the Series A funding stages. According to the alliance between Google Cloud and Polygon, new web3 startups with the support of Polygon Ventures can also participate in the “Google for Startups Cloud Program.” 

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What Do Experts Believe about the Google-Polygon Collaboration?

The interest of Google in becoming a major player in the web3 landscape is a significant factor in encouraging collaborations with Polygon. Interestingly, the strategic alliance between Google Cloud and Polygon blockchain has been developed on the basis of the potential of Google. The news of Google Cloud partners Polygon to accelerate web3 adoption also draws attention toward faster and cheaper transactions. 

How can the partnership between Google Cloud and Polygon blockchain speed up the transactions? The answer would point to the flexibility of running Polygon zkEVM on Google Cloud. With the help of zero-knowledge-proof technology, developers can ensure cost-effective and faster transactions in comparison to existing setups. 

The interesting factor you must notice here is that Polygon launched the beta version of its zero-knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine or zkEVM to the public in March. Experts at Google believe that Google Cloud in web3 can help the industry adapt to the new principles by directing engineering efforts toward specific areas. For example, Google Cloud helps in addressing concerns of data availability alongside ensuring better resilience and performance for scaling protocols. 

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The Roles of Blockchain Node Engine in Web3 Adoption

One of the most prominent highlights in the news about Google Cloud boosting web3 through its collaboration with Polygon blockchain is the Blockchain Node Engine. It is a powerful node hosting service that can improve transaction speed and scalability while reducing costs. As a result, developers could send web3 solutions to the market without extensive time gaps. With the Blockchain Node Engine, Google Cloud would serve as the strategic cloud service provider for different Polygon protocols. 

The introduction of the Blockchain Node Engine would help in addressing different problems for developers. For example, developers can overcome the barriers of costly overheads and time-intensive processes required for the provisioning, maintenance, and operation of their own dedicated blockchain nodes. Most important of all, the Google Cloud-Polygon partnership can also help in diversifying cloud services throughout the Polygon ecosystem. Developers can use the Blockchain Node Engine to avoid the concerns of configuration and running Polygon PoS chain nodes.   

Blockchain Node Engine could help web3 organizations in exploring some of the crucial benefits for encouraging web3 adoption. Here is an outline of the benefits for web3 startups from the collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon blockchain. 

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Streamlining the Provisioning of Nodes

You can ask any web3 developer about the challenges for web3 adoption, and they would point at manual provisioning as a major setback. The collaboration between Polygon Labs and Google to boost web3 helps in avoiding the efforts and time required for provisioning a node. Blockchain Node Engine can ensure faster provisioning by helping developers in deploying a new node within one specific operation. On top of it, developers can also provide the details of the desired location and choice of the network between mainnet and testnet. 

Security for Development 

The abilities of customers to ensure the security of blockchain infrastructures are limited by the lack of options in web3. Blockchain Node Engine can provide a viable solution with the help of security configurations, which prevent unauthorized access to nodes. Google & Polygon partner to drive web3 by using security functionalities of Blockchain Node Engine. 

It places nodes under the protection of a Virtual Private Cloud firewall, thereby allowing trusted users and machines to communicate with client endpoints. In addition, Blockchain Node Engine can leverage Google Cloud services for security, such as Cloud Armor, for safeguarding nodes against denial of service attacks. 

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The latest announcement for collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon provides a viable opportunity for capitalizing on readily available infrastructure. If you have a blockchain infrastructure, you would need a DevOps team at your disposal. The DevOps team would help the web3 project by monitoring the system regularly alongside resolving problems during downtime. 

With the news headlines such as ‘Google Cloud partners Polygon to accelerate web3’ gaining momentum now, you should notice how Blockchain Node Engine serves as a fully managed solution. As a result, web3 developers would never have to worry about the availability of nodes. 

On top of it, Google Cloud ensures active monitoring of nodes and facilitates restarts during downtimes. Furthermore, Google Cloud also offers service-level agreements with the Blockchain Node Engine, which enables web3 teams to focus more on their users rather than the infrastructure. 

Role of Google Cloud Marketplace in the Google-Polygon Partnership

The significance of Google Cloud Marketplace in the collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon blockchain is also a noticeable highlight for web3 developers and startups. The Google-Polygon partnership to boost web3 emphasizes how the Google Cloud marketplace offers simpler solutions for deploying Polygon PoS nodes in one click. Google Cloud Marketplace listed the Polygon blockchain dataset in 2021 with the Google Cloud Public Dataset Program. The dataset can help web3 developers in using BigQuery along with Polygon Supernets and Polygon PoS chain for data analytics.

Polygon Supernets can serve as a viable solution for informed decision-making in the web3 landscape. It is a proprietary app chain that helps enterprises and web3 application developers customize and extend the block space. Polygon Labs has planned to introduce a one-click developer net that can help in the faster deployment of nodes on Google Cloud. 

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Google Cloud and Innovation in Polygon zkEVM

Another prominent highlight in the discussion about Google Cloud boosting web3 in collaboration with Polygon would point at zkEVM. Polygon zkEVM or zero knowledge Ethereum Virtual Machine serves as an alternative to EVM and provides scalability benefits. It can facilitate seamless integration with existing Ethereum functions, developer tools, wallets, and contracts through the applications of zero-knowledge proofs. 

Zero-knowledge proofs ensure that the zkEVM can provide cheaper and faster transactions with better security. The identity of Google Cloud as a massive cloud provider can help Polygon Blockchain work on innovative developments for zkEVM. In addition, Polygon also enjoys the support of Search for the technical implementation of zkEVM. 

The collaboration with Google Cloud can help Polygon Labs in exploring new horizons with its zero-knowledge innovation strategy. It can also help web3 developers in avoiding the blockchain trilemma. The ability of Polygon Labs and Google to boost web3 innovation becomes clearly evident in adopting zero-knowledge innovation on Polygon. 

Web3 developers would not have to worry about compromising on one of the three properties of security, decentralization, and scalability. Interestingly, the initial tests for deploying Polygon zkEVM on Google Cloud have provided improvements in the speed and cost-efficiency of transactions.

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Future of Innovation in Web3 Ecosystem 

The primary highlights of the Google Cloud-Polygon partnership showcase the role of Blockchain Node Engine and zkEVMs in driving web3 adoption. On the other hand, initiatives such as Google For Startups Cloud Program have changed the narrative for web3 organizations. For example, web3 startups can find easy access to Google Cloud web3 products through the program. In addition, web3 developers can become a part of a restricted Discord channel. Developers can also leverage the benefits of the latest technological improvements in Google Cloud for their solutions. 

The support for Polygon protocols on Google Cloud can encourage a rise in the adoption of web3 on a broader scale. Polygon is a popular layer 2 blockchain aimed at improving scalability for Ethereum dApps. The power of Google Cloud can help Polygon become the first point of entry for developers and startups into web3. 

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Final Words

The scope for collaboration between Google Cloud and Polygon proves that the unlikely partnership would deliver promising results for web3. One of the best things about the way Google & Polygon partner to drive web3 is the Blockchain Node Engine. Developers can skip the worries of provisioning, maintenance, and operations of Polygon nodes with the support of Blockchain Node Engine. On top of it, the collaboration can fuel innovation in Polygon zkEVM technology for making web3 solutions more credible. Learn more about Polygon fundamentals and determine its role in driving the web3 revolution forward.

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