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Meta Publishes New Guide on How to Maximize Post-Holiday Promotions

I don’t know about the increasing references to “Q5” by platform marketing teams, which is supposedly the period between late December and mid-January, providing a final opportunity to drive sales activity.

Though I guess it does give some definition to the post-Christmas push. And with social platforms trying to eek out every ad dollar they can, it provides another focus for their efforts to enhance marketing activity, while separating it from other holiday promotions.

Meta is the latest to highlight the opportunities of Q5, with a new 6-page guide on “post holiday peak performance”.

The guide, which you can download here, includes a range of insights into post holiday marketing opportunities, including data on traditional ad performance.

Meta Q5 guide

Tactical tips to improve your campaigns:

Meta Q5 guide

Ideas for your promotional focus:

Meta Q5 guide

And other notes.

It’s an interesting overview, which has some good tips to help get you thinking, which could inspire your approach to the Q5 period.

Which isn’t really a thing, but maybe, it kind of is, given the drastic shift in focus for consumers between each period.

It’s worth a look either way. You can download Meta’s “Post-Holiday Peak Performance” guide here.

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