A.I. Tools

My Fourth Week of the #30DayMapChallange | by Milan Janosov | Nov, 2023

My personal take on the fourth week of the #30DayMapChallange, a daily social challenge aimed at designing thematic maps every day in November.

Milan Janosov
Towards Data Science

Since 2019, the Geographic Information System (GIS) and spatial analytics community have been quite busy each November — thanks to a fun challenge called the #30DayMapChallange. Each year, this challenge has a thematic schedule, proposing a topic that should be the primary directive for map visualisation to be posted on that particular day. While the pre-defined daily topics certainly mean a constraint for the creative mind, they also help participants to find mutual interest, share data sources, and express individual styles visually and technologically.

Here, I would like to briefly overview my fourth — and last — week of this challenge, detailing and showing the different maps I created — usually in Python using various tools of spatial analytics and geospatial data.

In this article, all images were created by the author.

I have wrestled a lot with this piece, both in terms of topic and visuals. In the end, I defaulted to my background in Physics and decided to draw up the Earth’s magnetic field with its Main Field Declination lines. These lines, as magnetic poles, can either be positive or negative. The Earth’s magnetic north pole is defined by these lines — which is not always up. Its moving! In recent years, it started migrating from the Canadian Arctic towards Russia at a speed of several kilometres per year.

Day 22 — North is Not Always Up

My first 3D map ever — so I kept the data relatively simple and went for downtown Budapest home, particularly District V. and District VI. in Pest and visualised its building height profile based on ATLO s Budapest Open Data Atlas. As for the tech part, I used Python as always and finally learned the basics of Pydeck to create this piece. Enjoy the interactive version here, each building…

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