
Neverwinter Update 12.11 Patch Notes Reveal Key Gameplay Adjustments

Cryptic Studios has lifted the lid on the Neverwinter update 12.11 patch notes for you to digest, which comes with a number of adjustments to combat & powers and other key gameplay aspects. Read up on the Neverwinter patch notes below.

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Combat and Powers


Characters with access to legacy Feats (and possibly other invalid character data) have been reset. This will strip these characters of the old / invalid data, and, will require them to retrain their characters. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Items and Economy


Players who previously traded in one or more of the following enchantments can now properly claim a character-bound version from the Reward Claims Agent. The trade-ins will once again be made available once this patch is applied.Mythic Lightning FlashMythic Refulgent FortificationMythic Living Hex

User Interface


The placeholder Vanity Pet “Random” button has been removed.

[Source – Neverwinter Patch Notes]

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