
No Place for Bravery – A Sad Port

No Place for Bravery - A Sad Port

Anyone else try this on mobile? So much wasted potential, it's really unfortunate. It's a terrible port of a really promising game. If you happen to have a controller, the mechanics & controls are great. The pixel art and animations are gorgeous. It reminds me of a 2D The Mark of Kri, with its brutal combat and visceral executions. But, alas, it's virtually unplayable. Touch controls are pretty jank. The camera is so far away that it's hard to pick up on some character actions/animations. Constant framerate and desync issues (on a SDG2). I couldn't get passed the first few minutes before I got nauseous. I had to request for a refund. I mean, I feel bad, I read the devs reply to one of the poor ratings that they were a small team. And to be fair, it was ported to Android but a few months ago. Hopefully they address the glaring issues. I'd love to be able to come back to it one day, but as it stands, it's not worth it unless you have Play Pass.

submitted by /u/kujha [comments]

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