
Persona 4 Rise’s personality, voice actors, and more

In a world full of enigmatic characters, it takes a lot to stand out from the crowd, yet, several Persona characters achieve this, and that includes Persona 4 Rise, one of the game’s main characters. In a bid to help you discover a little bit more about her, we put this guide together, in which we explain who she is, take a look at her personality, how she fares in combat, who her voice actors are, and, of course, how you can romance this vivacious flirt.

To learn more about the rest of the cast like Persona 4’s Kanji, check out our Persona 4 characters guide. Or, if Persona 4 isn’t your bag, you might like its successor a bit more, in which case, you should check out our Persona 5 Joker, Persona 5 Ann, Persona 5 Morgana, Persona 5 Futaba, and Persona 5 Makoto guides. We also have a guide to the Persona 5 anime if you’d rather watch the story than play it.

Anyway, here’s everything you need to know about Persona 4’s Rise.

Who is Persona 4’s Rise?

Rise Kujikawa is a first-year student at Yasogami High School, but more than that, she’s an idol on the rise, which means she’s pretty well known, and her fame continues to grow. Admittedly, it’s quite surprising that she chooses to stay in Murderville, but that’s her decision, and it does result in her becoming a member of the Investigation Team, who she initially meets when they warn Rise that she could be a target for the murderer.

Persona 4 Rise: Promotional art of Rise wearing glasses and reaching out to the viewer on a colourful background with the P4G logo in the bottom left corner.

What is Persona 4 Rise’s personality?

Rise is out there, as in she says what she thinks when she thinks it, has an outspoken nature, but is also a cheerful individual, albeit a bit boastful and big-headed due to her success. However, underneath there’s an awesome person, one that’s sweet and considerate of others. Though, she’s overly dramatic, easily annoyed, and likely to act like the world is ending at the smallest inconvenience.

What are Persona 4 Rise’s skills?

As with the majority of the cast in Persona 4, you can unlock a variety of skills for Rise via her social link, including:

Weakness scan – reveal an enemies affinity when the battle begins
Full analysis – discover enemy stats
Third eye – reveal the effectiveness of an attack
Healing wave – the party recovers 5% HP after a battle
Stamina song – the party recovers 10% HP after a battle

When it comes to all-out attack, you can increase its rank to further impact how it performs in battle.

In essence, Rise others support to those around her, instead of being one that can lead the charge.

Persona 4 Rise: A screenshot of Rise talking to Yu in Persona 4, surrounded by tables.

How do I romance Person 4’s Rise?

Unsurprisingly, Rise is a romance option in Persona 4, and as she’s a somewhat popular character, you might want to see how a relationship with her pans out. Okay, so to romance her, you simply need to hang out with her via her social link. Yes, it’s as simple as that, providing you say the right things to her, though honestly, the majority of answers you give provide the same increase to your social standing with her.

Just keep Rise’s personality in mind, be fun, indulge her, and before you know it, you can max out her social link and make her your girlfriend. However, a couple of things to bear in mind are that you can only hang out with Rise on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, and it can’t be raining.

Who is the voice actor for Persona 4’s Rise?

In the Japanese version, Rie Kugimiya portrays the teenager, while Laura Bailey takes up the mantle for the English variation.

There you have it, everything you need to know about Persona 4’s Rise. If you can’t wait to play this game once again, check out our Persona 4 Switch review.

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