
Powered up my old 4S and was able to play some of the best games again! Wish these made it to the modern devices. As it is, they’re only working on the old devices.

Powered up my old 4S and was able to play some of the best games again! Wish these made it to the modern devices. As it is, they’re only working on the old devices.

Food Fight! A deckbuilding game that I also have a physical version of. So much fun and the designs are pretty comical.

Classic LED Football. Had the physical version as a kid and this one played just like that one! They had the whole collection of these for sale on the App Store back in the day!

Another one that I also own the physical version of. Typical Penne Arcade humor here and loads of fun!

Cakemania! I loved these types of games! I would actually pay for these and never have to worry about ads. Now, the modern versions of these games have ads out the wazoo!

Candy train was just mindless fun trying to see how long you could last.

Doctor Who is my fave show of all time so it’s great to be able to play this gem!

Phase 10 was such a great game but the official version from MagMic was discontinued and won’t work anymore. For some reason though, this Dice version will!

Stand O Food! The original! The paid version! No subscription. No ads. No problem! Miss these days. Now it’s all ads everywhere.

Hell’s Kitchen. As you can see, I loved the cooking apps

Not pictured is OrderUp! A great food making game that I also have in physical form.

submitted by /u/tom2point0 [comments]

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