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TDC Digital leverages IBM Cloud for transparent billing and improved customer satisfaction

Web-based ERP providers are experiencing significant growth and demand as more companies seek to streamline their business processes, cut costs and improve operational efficiency. With the rise of cloud computing, web-based ERP providers increasingly offer Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, which have become a popular option for businesses of all sizes.

The rapid growth of global web-based ERP solution providers

The global cloud ERP market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 15%, from USD 64.7 billion in 2022 to USD 130.0 billion by 2027. According to the research, organizations are adopting cloud ERP models to identify the best alignment with their strategy, business development, workloads and security requirements. Small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) are the fastest-growing segment in the market due to reliability, scalability, integration, flexibility and improved productivity. In addition, cloud ERP solutions enable SMEs to enhance their overall productivity by reducing manufacturing time.

Trans Digital Cemerlang (TDC Digital) is a web-ERP software solutions provider based in Jakarta, Indonesia, catering to small- to mid-level clients in Indonesia and other countries like the Philippines and Thailand. With its flagship product, Mebook, TDC Digital offers a comprehensive ERP system that can cater to the specific information system requirements of different departments within a company. TDC Digital caters to small factories, such as rolling door manufacturers, who use their platform to monitor their stock and production flow.

TDC Digital struggled with operational costs due to the unpredictability of the billing system

TDC Digital encountered difficulties in accurately forecasting their monthly bills due to hidden charges in the billing process. As a small- to medium-sized enterprise (SME), TDC Digital needed a transparent billing system to predict its expenses and price its services effectively.

Furthermore, TDC Digital had not used any cloud storage solution and experienced latency and downtime while hosting the application in its data center. These issues started impacting their customer experience and eventually led to customer retention challenges.

TDC Digital wanted to expand its operations beyond Indonesia, but these persistent issues hindered its growth efforts. Finally, TDC Digital realized it needed to find the right technology partner to offer them a transparent billing system and an appropriate cloud storage solution to help them deliver a differentiated customer experience and drive business growth.

TDC Digital approached various leading CSPs and sought guidance from their trusted partner, PT Aegis Ekakarsa Garuda Informatika Semesta (PT Aegis). TDC Digital has been working with PT Aegis for over three years. PT Aegis is an IBM partner based in Indonesia that offers cybersecurity and cloud services, serving clients in various industries, including financial services and distribution.

IBM Cloud boosts TDC Digital with transparency in billing, data security and performance

Acting on PT Aegis’ advice, TDC Digital implemented the recommended IBM Cloud solution to address their challenges related to transparent billing, security and performance.  IBM Cloud offered them a solution that provided higher security, operational excellence, better control over their costs and a stable billing system with no surprises.

PT Aegis recommended to TDC the 100% dedicated IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers for performance and security. In addition, to address the data loss issue, PT Aegis suggested replication and backups to IBM Cloud Object Storage, a highly scalable and secure cloud storage service that provides a flexible and cost-effective way to store and manage large amounts of unstructured data.

By deploying IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers and IBM Cloud Object Storage, TDC Digital saved about 300 person-hours, reduced customer complaints by 31%, and achieved 99% uptime (compared to the previous uptime of 96.5%).

TDC Digital is excited about its plans to host its IT infrastructure in IBM data centers, offering better scalability, performance and security.

About the IBM solutions

IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers are fully dedicated servers that offer high performance, maximum security and controls for enterprise-level workloads. With over 11 million configurations available, users can customize their server per their requirements. IBM has also reduced bare metal server prices by an average of 17% and offers 20 TB of bandwidth at no additional cost. Additionally, you can choose a billing cycle with options for hourly, monthly and reserved billing cycles.

Learn more about IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers

IBM Cloud Object Storage is flexible, cost-effective storage for unstructured data that supports cloud-native workloads and can manage limitless amounts of data. With high-speed file transfer, integrated services and cross-region offerings, IBM Cloud Object Storage allows you to leverage your data securely. In addition, it helps to reduce backup costs, provide permanent access to archived data, store data for cloud-native applications and create data lakes for big data analytics and AI.

Learn more about IBM Cloud Object Storage

Unlike other cloud hyper scalers’ pay-as-you-go pricing models, IBM Cloud offers flexible pricing options like reserved instances and dedicated hosts. This is beneficial for businesses with predictable workloads or that need dedicated infrastructure. Additionally, this may appeal to the CIOs due to the rising operational costs of cloud services.

Learn more

Looking for a high-performance, secure and customizable cloud solution that meets your organization’s unique requirements? Please consult our IBM Cloud specialist today or explore IBM Cloud Bare Metal Servers and IBM Cloud Object Storage for more information.

To explore Trans Digital Cemerlang (TDC Digital) offerings, see here. To learn more about IBM business partner PT Aegis Ekakarsa Garuda Informatika Semesta, see here.  

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