
Uncovering Mediterranean White Sharks With Environmental DNA

One of the best ways to know whether an animal is in an area is to see it with your own eyes. The next best thing? Environmental DNA.

DNA (short for deoxyribonucleic acid) is shed by every living creature on this planet through skin cells, hair, scales, and other bodily secretions as they move. This leaves behind a ‘fingerprint’ in whatever environment they were in, thus becoming environmental DNA (eDNA). Researchers can now scan a sample of water, air, or soil for tiny remnants of DNA to identify organisms using eDNA analysis, an emerging molecular technique that is taking the wildlife science industry by storm. The shark science world has been using eDNA studies for years, testing waters worldwide to explore what sharks are where – even if they haven’t been physically seen! One of the areas of interest is the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the fact that they are seldom seen, there are sharks here – which makes sense, since the United Nations has highlighted the Mediterranean as one of the world’s 25 hot spots for biodiversity, hosting up to 18% of the world’s marine biodiversity. Noted as the largest semi-enclosed sea, it is home to around 47 species of sharks… including the famed great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias).

Research conducted in 2020 and coordinated by Virginia Tech’s professor Francesco Ferretti found that despite living in the area for centuries, great white shark numbers rapidly declined in the Mediterranean Sea. These sharks are now at high risk of being completely eradicated from the region, with unpredicted consequences for the entire ecosystem. It was partly because of this looming threat that Ferretti started the White Shark Chase, an unprecedented multi-institutional initiative to find, film, and tag the last white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea. The WSC team, including scientist Jeremy F. Jenrette of the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech, headed over to the Mediterranean Sea: “Our team developed a special interest in Mediterranean white sharks because of their unique history in the region. The Mediterranean white shark is one of the least known and endangered populations in the world. We know they have gone through a substantial population decline over the past decades due to the effect of intensive fishing exploitation, [so] we need to find out how many individuals are left if we want to save this population from extinction.”

In order to accomplish this, the researchers must gain a deeper understanding of the shark’s biology and ecology (and even tag some of the remaining animals). “Looking for white sharks in the Mediterranean Sea is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is a challenging task and thus we used eDNA – an approach notably expanding in the marine world and extremely efficient for detecting cryptic animals – to sniff the tracks of these elusive sharks,” explains Ferretti. “In our search, we identified geographic sectors where the probability to find this animal was higher than in other regions, yet even within these ‘hot spots’ we needed to have the ‘metal detector’ to find the animal’s tracks. […] But our team has followed breadcrumbs to the last remaining strongholds by listening to local intelligence and predicting the patterns of historical sightings in [previous research]”, adds Jenrette, who led the eDNA operations.

The most common method of collecting eDNA is to use a special kit that filters water and traps biological materials. After capturing the material on the filter, DNA can be extracted in a laboratory. But previous research guides the selection of water collection sites. In this case, the team used historical white shark sightings to develop relative abundance distributions for May and June to determine the locations they would collect water from. In June 2021, the team obtained environmental water samples from 16 sites within the Sicilian Channel and later amplified a unique cytochrome B gene fragment (CYTB) found in the mitochondria of white shark cells. From this, they found four samples (out of 69) had this unique gene fragment meaning great white sharks had recently been there! It was a relief for Jenrette to have the results confirm that white sharks are present in the season and area they anticipated they would occur. “We were close to free-swimming individuals that, according to our models, may have been in an area of about 12 nautical miles from where we detected them within two days. That was a very important result that motivated us to identify our search in the area,” he says.

Jenrette and his team believe that in order to learn more about the Mediterranean Sea, citizen scientists should be integrated into eDNA surveys to maximize sampling effort and reduce ship-time costs. “The opportunity is in the ease to collect eDNA samples. This approach is very amenable to a citizen science project. Any boat owner and ocean goer can help us to collect eDNA samples around the Mediterranean Sea- and there are a lot of people in this region. This is one of the most trafficked and toured areas on the planet, with a high density of boat owners and ocean goers, so locals can potentially collect a lot of data helpful for our search. Detecting white sharks with eDNA is improved by large-scale sampling, where each sample acts as a snapshot of the local ecosystem.” Already the team has partnered with the International Seakeeper’s Society to launch the sailing partners initiative in the Mediterranean Sea. They’ve also developed cost-efficient and easy-to-use kits for sampling and filtering surface water and preserving eDNA to be shipped back to their laboratory for processing. “We are planning to ship out more kits to sailing partners of the Seakeeper’s Society and expand our sampling range. This year, with the support of the Augmentum Foundation and Yachts for Science, our team will investigate several recent white shark sightings in Tunisia. Specifically, we aim to expand our sampling range from Malta to the coasts of Tunisia.”

This research was supported by Discovery Channel, The Explorers Club, the Center for Coastal Studies, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Department at Virginia Tech, and the Acorn Alcinda Foundation. The eDNA publication can be read here.

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